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Advent Series Update

I have been spending more time on art lately. It helps. It helps everything.

The more frequently I do art, the less the set-up/clean-up process intimidates me. Sometimes the idea of cleaning up the mess becomes an excuse to avoid it. Even clean up from oil painting is not that bad anymore. I am ok spending 10 minutes on clean up for 10 minutes of painting. It doesn't have to be an hour long project.

A few minutes here and a few minutes there has done wonders for progress on both current and new works.


From left to right: layer 7, layer 10, layer 10 detail.

The one below is second in the series. It has been in the state of the upper right corner for about a year. Finally, progress! I think it is about ready to start putting in the foreground. I have lost count of how many layers there are in the background on this one - at least 9+ in some areas?

Advent 2 WIP

I am finding that each of the advent series images have an intensely layered, textural ground, with a more graphic style for the main image. These will morph many times still before they reach final version.

Most of these start out with something like the image to te left. This is one layer of paint on a primed canvas. It will probably be the beginning of the fourth piece in the advent series but I can't remember right now what that one was going to be. I need to check my sketches. This is probably not the right ground for the fifth piece. Maybe I am wrong. One of the things I love about art is that if you listen, you hear much.

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